Archives kept here are from 2003 onward.Some were migerated from another blog and if nothing else they help to show the progress of this old man's journey.

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Location: Verde Valley, Arizona, Arizona, United States

A good friend suggested that I should mention more about my background here. I High School= Abroad, Silver Star certified Instructor at Arthur Murray Dance Studios, Master Herbalist Degree from Dr. Herbert Santillo School of Natural Healing, Certified Sous Chef and honor student graduate from Yavapai College in northern Arizona. My way of life = My Religion = All messengers' ways in the Unified fields of Compassion = Quantum Movements of Matter and Energy. God , to me is neither vengeful and angry nor compassionate and loving, that's our stuff, God like Tao, cannot be named! I have no "heroes" to mention here. I do however follow Masters of time. Have no Flag, nor do I believe in any political system. I believe in the motions of Particles, The rhythm underlying the seemingly chaotic patterns of the universe. Universal sets of laws and order govern life; These laws have parameters which operate in Quantum Mechanics as it relates to the transference of matter and energy, therefor, I create my reality as you do yours. I like soft colors and enjoy the mountains, play the game of chess and cook and make potions for life. My wish is to see Humanity at Peace B4 I pass on!

Saturday, February 01, 2003


2-3-03 You will know of your inner most strength as being well in order when you not only persist in bad times, but have endurance to start over again.Like the old saying goes;"if at first you do not succeed, try and try again".

2-4-03 We learn from history that we have not learned from history. The battle of good against evil seems endless in our heedless ways and God, is ever so patient with us kids!

1-5-03 After all the years of the conflict in Northern Ireland and all the blood shed, the resolution was to give the so called "terrorists" (really the little guys standing up to the big brother/sister U.K.) their land back and stop trying to run the lives of those who wished to be left alone. When I wonder will the time come when the big brother U.S. give the folks in the Palestine their land back and stop supporting the terror!

2-6-03 Why is it so hard to tell someone that they have a booger hanging from their nose? specially when the intention is to stop someone whom you care about from making a fool of themselves while thinking they are looking soooo cool, strong, important! just do it.

2-7-03 It seems at times that there is more evil in the world than good, as if the power of good is being overwhelmed by the forces of evil doers, but let this shaman reasure all that BALANCE is always maintained by THE ONE ABOVE GOOD AND EVIL. Yes friends rest assured there is a plan!

2-8-03 Any time you have a task before you which you feel you'd rather die than tackle the task, do the task as it will make you a better and much stronger human in the process.

2-9-03 If not for darkness we would never learn to appreciate the light nor even recognize it as such. If not for pain, our pleasures too would be meaningless.

2-10-03 Then I said; "God, teach me then to be thankful in the midst of agony and praise your might in my weakest times."

2-11-03 If we take a closer and perhaps unbiest look at all the current religions of the world, then include the belief systems of ancient tribal peoples(before any organized religion was around); surprisingly the notion of on supreme "God" is very clearly a common thread amongst all. Even those with many demi "gods" have the big one as the only chief at large! in fact the word "Allah" of the modern Islam was taken from the ancient Arabs who used it to denote "the great God over all things" even though they did have other gods. mmmmmm makes u wonder?yes?

2-12-03 The scientists thought that GE's (genetically engineered crops) would feed the world hungry and solve so much of our problems by creating super crops immune to bugs. What these good folks did not foresee was the outrage it has brought in nearly every community who's life depended on their own special bio-friendly crops who now have to find a way to separate the pollen from these new super crops from mating with and killing their few thousand year old traditioins. You see, when we put a pigs gene in a corn plant my friends, somehow it has to backfire if we didn't take the time to test the long term effects on the rest of the world. Once again the arrogance of the western technology is about to be the piss in the wind while they try to figure a way out! Europe has banned the use and sale of any GE for years now.there are only 4 nations which produce GE crops.

2-13-03 If you knew that you had only a short time to live, say; two weeks, and it was not a medical guess but a sentence of death to be carried out as a matter of routine. Tell me my friend, how many of the things you keep saying you would do when you get a round "toit" would you be able to fit in? All the world is stage and every actor has his day. make yours today while the stage is yours and time is on your side.

2-14-03 How do I love thee, let me count the ways, with every breath I take and all the freckles on my face, oh how I love thee, yada yada yada.. In reality my friend the best anyone can do is strive to be a better human.

2-15-03 This administration has decided to terrorize the terrorists into giving up terrorist attacks! Irony of ironies.

2-16-03 I am sure you have heard the "optimist/pessimist" parable of half full or half empty, or the one sees a problem the other a challenge, let me add this note as a long time believer and practioner of optimism, it is not as easy as that. It takes hard work,dedication, and vagilance over the activities of the mind which is easily swayed by emotions of its own making.

2-17-03 Prayer is like a link to the source of THE FORCE! we can actually tap into this force and use its "magic" to create and activate energies which in turn WILL cause events. But careful my children, as with every thing else in our hemisphere, YIN AND YANG, the force too is dual!

2-18-03 There are no accidents! to see the depth of this reality one must first be an objective viewer of the flow of life's daily energies through the movements of waves. The waves are as the circles created when one drops a pebble in a pond, they do not just appear and move a leaf, they are set in motion by the hand of the one who throws the stone!

2-19-03 Why do we always end up over packing? or worse, disastrously underprepare? A simple trip and we either go way over or forget the very basics needed for this specific trip. Balance missing? helloooo are we well adjusted yet?

2-22-03 Being enroute to Seattle and even after arriving I am finding it harder to find the few minutes it takes to write these thoughts down. God bless the journey as it unfolds. I am with my Persian friends and the one family member I have in the U.S. at a time when comfort is needed in a closer sort of way. God willing I will be going to Oklahoma next to see my kids and grand kids, What blessings! God has been gracious to this old/young man.

2-23-03 and HE keeps on giving, the living God, I have spent this day enroute to Canada with a good friend and his family, arriving almost unannounced at the door of this other old timer friend in Richmon,BC who runs a pizzeria of all things for a living! A devout Persian Christian who will never give up trying to convert me from what he believes is a "false religion". His son a miracle of God's grace has been the center of all this change in their lives. A good hearted bunch of folks to be around.

2-24-03 I was nearly baptized in a cold Canadian ocean by these holy friends! God bless'm all, though simple, they have come to see me as one strange but Godly man just the same, even if I don't go exactly their way. I guess I exhume enough Christianity already not to be an outsider, and we have our common past in Iran to bond us, as we grew up in the same small town, not knowing each other then, but feeling the kinship just the same.

2-25-03 The more sick people I see the more I wonder why the Allopathic medical profession is still in business! how can a system fail so profoundly and continue to survive is beyond me. Then again our governmental systems globe wide, have also failed and are still in business of collecting money from us with no end in site. Oh, but we all have choices do we not?

2-26-03 Stem cell research is at an all time high not because of the vast humanitarian possibilities, but because the potential of a great income! We are now at the threshold of change that could effect and alter the way we think of loss of a limb. Need an arm? just call and we deliver, it will cost you an arm and a leg though!!

2-27-03 I am working on a quick article to share my secrets to optimum health. God willing it will be either on this family site or my own website. Trying to keep it short and to the point however, has been a task in itself. We will try till its right. keep the smiles and the good vibes coming, and I'll keep trying.

2-28-03 Have faith above all, that he who gave you teeth also provides the bread. Have faith even more so, in our father who will guide your every step to see you home safely. Know for certain my child that this too shall come to pass as did yesterday.

3-1-03 Can I say this again without being too redundant? Have faith above all that THE FORCE which created the universe from total nothingness, is very much willing to share the force!


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