MARCH 2003
3-3-03 The number 3 shape (English) in Hindu is the sign for OM, which is the sound used to empty the wind from the stomach and the mind, Ooommmmmmmmm is how it is pronounced as it is sounded out. it actually vibrates many muscles if done properly, which in itself is good for the Lymphatic glands and nodes. Go figure?
3-4-03 We had a conflict in our midst, words were uttered which cannot be taken back; feelings were hurt. To this old shaman however, the lesson of gracefulness and eloquence of speech was once again repeated for learning. Life seems to use any and all tools at its disposal in order to teach us what we need to learn and learning is never easy or painless, and emotion is but one tool among many. If I can come out of any situation having learned patience, grace, compassion and such, then the pain was well worth the lesson, now all I have to do is REMEMBER!!
3-5-03 Let these words ring in mine ears lord every day of my short life, "TRUST GOD TO ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT THING IN ALL WAYS" thank you again father.
3-6-03 I saw the two faces of war today, one wore a robe, the other a suit and a tie, both just as arrogantly inconsiderate of our humanity, both just as convinced of their "Godly" right to kill in order to bring peace and harmony!
3-7-03 Feeling superior to others solely based on intellectual capacities one poses is already full of flaws. God has blessed the simpleton for they have the patience to endure the arrogance of the intellectual who is full of empty.
3-9-03 We talked about the emptiness within, He said when you learn to walk with compassion you will know the answer and you will have come to know God. Why do I reach here and there for satisfaction, when the answer seems so close? He said, the body is a mold within which the spirit is imprisoned, seeking freedom and a way back home, the spirit will always cry! Seek then my child the WAY HOME daily in all your tasks.
3-12-03 There was a cold virus with my name on it and regardless of how or where I was it would get me down and in bed. In reality I rather think that with some situations (like the ones I was involved in the past three days) it is a blessing in disguise to be knocked out by a microscopic creature bad enough to have to stay put in bed with pain and agony, while pondering the pain of those we are trying to help. God does work in mysterious ways!!
3-13-03 It takes quite a lot of courage to start anything fresh without knowing the outcome; it is doubly harder if the start is actually a relearning of basics. A dear one close to my heart is about to accept and plunge into a change of life out of the gutter of drugs and chaos into a sober life of being part of the mainstream. This too shall come to pass my child and we grow with the seasons of our lives.
3-14-03 In matters of the spirit, a teacher is just that, "a teacher" though he may have all the answers for the student, a true seeking one is always teaching what he needs to learn the most himself. Because the real TEACHING is being DONE by a higher source of light which is shining on the teacher and the student at once! This my son is how students become teachers and teachers become masters.
3-15-03 If anticipation in anger and fear is as poison to the blood, look my child what the anticipation in hope and compassion can bring to your body. All healing, all light!
3-16-03 I come this day my father expecting miracles, I shall bring my weary body and heavy heart and lay me down on thy lap. I have just that much of mine own you gave me, the rest that this humble servant needs this day, is all in your hands. I come father expecting a miracle of your will.
3-17-03 Next time i am about to put my big toe where it don't belong, somebody please kindly shoot my foot off! Much obliged. OH how thou humbles the haughty to submission!!
3-18-03 Mistakes have scientific value. any good scientist would welcome the chance to learn from his mistakes, I hope to at least mimic a good scientist’s attitude towards my mistakes. Amen!
3-19-03 Well the war is inevitable, this mad Bushman will open this can of worms and perhaps it is his destiny! God help us all!
3-20-03 There will be a day for all to account for what we have done with our time on the earth. If Christ was here now in person, I wonder if he would not hold his head down in sadness for the way his "followers" have strayed from the path of compassion.
3-21-03 It is a beautiful day here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The sun shine after two days of rain makes the air look so crisp, the birds are busy making nests, the grand kids playing in the yard, and I am just sitting here watching the wheels turn, I am Baba june. God, let me not forget how gracious you have been to me!
3-22-03 Where do I lay my hat tomorrow? let it be a place blessed with good friends and unpretentious folks. Let me put my hat down and be home.
3-23-03 Most everybody these days is talking about the war! What war? The one where two big giants trample over the little guy like so much as ant? I heard about that one, I'm waiting for the movie to come out.
3-24-03 Little planet, little people, little minds, in the little lily fields they sew the fruits of hate and greed. Angels cried this day for humankind! They wept as the father sat disheartened at his children's choices for destruction.
3-25-03 The flames of passion burn in a hot mid summer night and a child is born! Later this child will be introduced to uncles, aunts, and cousins, all of whom he had never known before, yet the blood flows and keeps connecting the dots!
3-26-03 Missed another day! No idea where or how the time went, this day is gone for all practical purposes.
3-27-03 This day on the other hand was good and fruitful. I managed to get an all-in-one printer to work, made some sense of my day at home, and even got over this pesky virus which has been making my life hell for a week now. thank you!
3-28-03 "if you know and accept you gotta a problem, that's half the solution"; problem is, the next half (fixing the problem) will take the rest of your life, and you ain't heard the half of it! And that's if you try and do the work. Yep, it’s hard admitting we have any problems, its even harder afterwards, and let's face it who wants harder? More work?
3-29-03 ONE of the essentials of LOVE is endurance, careful how you say "I love you" to me, because I will hold you to the very essence of the meaning of LOVE! No! give me not mere words my love, for tis more a dagger in mine heart than if you be a tempered enduring partner in life.
3-30-03 In my childhood, I did childish things, in youth, I busied my self with my self; Spent the mid years of life having families, now dear lord I pray thee, allow me to become a most compassionate enduring man in my old age and grant me a good death.
3-31-03 Speaking of death; The one certain thing (well after impermanence in life) and we seem to go on merrily denying the absoluteness of it. Avoiding even conversation about it, this certain thing, which does not seem to really hurt either from all accounts! Butterfly is born out of the Caterpillar’s death!
4-01-03 Green is for LIFE abundant and alive! this after every tree in our neiboughrhood looked dead as a rock!! yeh babe, death is not forever! LIFE is!
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