APRIL 2003
4-03-03 Life has given this old shaman yet another chance to rejuvenate and become "whole" as a gift for having not lost faith! Gee thanks a lot for telling me I have to do more work on myself again!
4-04-03 A true friend I have not found under these skies, and family too have forsaken me whilst busy with their own lives; Now I sit an old man happy with my own things and ways, content with what life has offered me, yet the solitude and quietness of these days I am afraid are about to change!
4-05-03 We have about 25 years by the most recent accounts of our geophysicists, to start undoing some damage we have done to our planets echo system and change the way we have used its resources, else? Well, else we are doomed to a fate not unlike the dead bones we have hung on our walls and upon our mantels! The picture my friends is not pretty!
4-6-03 There is always hope for the tree to grow, as long as the roots are still under ground. A dead forest is an empty forest, not a dry one.
4-7-03 We always talk about the "good old days" of our grand parents as if it was all fun and joy, well, it was not! These days we are in now my child will become the "good old days" in comparison to what is ahead. Be part of the solution any time and any place you can, and leave no marks on the sand!
4-08-03 Is it harder to pretend niceness and practice patience or bear the bitter fruits of rash actions arising from holding on to fixed judgmental systems? We make progress only through awakenings, blink and its gone!
4-09-03 It is on every one's mind, the war, even though it is really an invasion. The uncertainty of the end is somehow scary by any measure and Wall Street is in a dive, I feel for the young here and in Iraq, disillusioned and all hopeless of what lies ahead for the next decade.
4-10-03 It does not take much for a giant to crush a cockroach of an enemy, to boast victory is indeed a spit in the wind in the wrong direction.
4-11-03 Let these pages serve as historical documentations and reminders of what this "giant" is doing in the name of freedom. Romans too thought they could force the world into their ways, look at what has become of the Roman Empire! Time will teach the bullies of the world to be kind or die!
4-13-03 The Bush administration is asking for more money to build misiles and amo, go my children and find out who will make the money? to whom are the defense contracts are being granted? You will find good buddies like Chaney, Rumsfeld and Bush at the top of the benefactors of the money being made on this so called war on terror! www.pbs.org
4-14-03 I have not lost hope for mankind, it is just painful to see outright lies and deceitfulness by those we "trust in God" top dogs and see the innocent believe in their stories. These are the testing days for the world!
4-16-03 So it turns out that there were no weapons of mass destruction, no sign of Saddam Husain, and the objectives of the Bush junior administration was never clearly outlined. Now the US says Iraq is "free" and that the military is sorry they could not save the timeless treasure at the Baghdad museum from the looters. So, what did just happen? What, did just happen?
4-17-03 Once again we learn from the events after the fact, that the only plan for any war is to go in, bomb, destroy, kill, and never mind the real reasons for the pillage! "The commander in chief" is in charge, or is he? Was there a deal made while the world was being kept busy with a war show? Did it not seem easy? Where did all the Iraqi soldiers went off to? Where is Saddam? He was after all the US's ally all through the 80’s; ???
4-18-03 Once again for insistence sake, please! Anyone reading these pages, take the time and go to http://www.pbs.org/now/ and read the transcripts for 4-18-03 (they will be available by the end of april) and become educated about who is making the money from the Iraq war.
4-19-03 On the same notes as yesterday, the articles are available and more than one is on the subject of "who is making money from war" related links and names are given as this old politics as usual goes on in DC.
4-20-03 If I seem so obsessed with this war it is one; because I had plan to go and see my family which is now impossible, and two; I see a lot good naive Americans putting up their patriotic colors as if to say it is a good thing that we just spent billions of our tax dollars to go play war over in some third world country! it is an abhor and the history will say so!
4-21-03 ...and then it was Easter, the "bunny" day not the Christ rose from the dead day, but the pagan "bunny" day and egg hunts for the innocent children so they too will continue the pagan rituals for their children. God help this country because it is a land of plenty, innocent itself and young!
4-22-03 The Teacher tells me "whenever there is a conflict between you and others close to you, look first to yourself for what is wrong and how you yourself lack in harmony within"; I turned with shame, as I knew immediately he was referring to my recent lack of harmony which has brought me unhappiness. Though I blame the war and those "others".
4-23-03 It is easy to always blame others for their shortcomings, it is indeed much more difficult to look in the mirror and admit one's own. I have been blessed today yet again, to have a thousand broken pieces of a mirror all showing me the same face; ME AT MY HOUR OF DISHARMONY within!
4-24-03 I looked high and low, I searched and cried out to the universe, I found myself all alone nonexistent in the presence of HIM who IS. Except for HIS shoulders to cry on, I have found no other comfort any where.
4-25-03 "Laughter is like the sunshine upon the dark face of humans" said Victor Hugo, find ways to bring sunshine in your life in every dark corner.
4-26-03 Excellence is a habit not an acquired taste! to always aspire for the highest possible life note, to always give the utmost without seeking recognition, the joy of just being the best human, it has to become habitual.
4-27-03 As buhdist put it, some one has to always take care of this world, fetch wood and carry water (well these days its put underground cables and maintain databases!) you get the idea, we all have to do our share of maintaining the world's affairs, dishwashers and chefs, masters and laborers, through it all, it is the awareness of our mutual humanity that makes the difference between a sleeping jerk and an awaken spirit!
4-28-03 Time and space are matters of importance only to the mortal bodies we poses. In a continually expanding universe where stars are being born and dying in heavy explosions/implosions, in black holes, super novas, and to most masters of time, the past, present and future are at once accessible. Time in other words is not a linear measure as most perceive it to be.
4-29-03 Mistakes are to age as sugar is to yeast, it takes a certain amount of it to activate the process that will bring mature goodness when the process is finished, overdoing it is disaster, not having enough will result in no mature product. Welcome the mistakes of your life as catalyst for growth my children so you may grow wise as you age.
4-30-03 HOPE is the foundation of most advances in human history. If the farmer had no hope for rain he would not sew the seeds, if the scientist had no hope of success, he would not try the new formula on himself first! We hope for results which we desire therefore we dare take chances and move mountains to build roads for future, all we have to learn now is not get so attached to the stuff we hope for, whether we get them or not.
5-01-03 Anonymous, is the title a secret agent of the US spying networks has chosen to write the book "In the eyes of our enemies” under. He has been trying to warn the US administrations for the past decade or so about not taking matters of the Middle East and specially Ussama Binladin so ignorantly. He has been side winded by his bosses for being so bold as to tell them that they do not have a clue about who these "terrorists" are and why they hate the US so much. Well, the book is out, it is hailed by many Middle East exports as a must read, because this guy has spent a life time trying to discover and "UNDERSTAND" Muslims and the culture of the people. Yet as this book is out Mr. Bush and Rumsfeld have made it "clear" to the Iraqis that the US does not want a religious regime in Iraq! Yes we want you Iraqis to be "Free" but the way we tell you to be free! most Iraqis would want a government that they feel is their own, they are a religious people and would most likely rebel against a western type democracy, (let us keep in mind that the western style democracy is still in its infancy and not a finished product itself). The US government would be wise now to recognize the folly of FORCING their wishes unto a people who are clearly saying get out!
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