MAY 2003
5-03-03 Most of us would be basically content and feel happiness with simpler things of life, If we only knew how to be at peace with who we are. Looking for happiness in wealth, prestige, importance, and outwardly "sings" of it so far has proven futile, why then do we not see the wisdom of the old and the wise whose advice has consistently been "inner peace"?
5-05-03 Resolves in any internal conflict most usually come from taking actions which promote patience and grace; actions taken under the weight of fears or fixed attachments always promote anxiety and unrest.
5-06-03 Picasso believed accidents and accidental events reveal who we really are, I tend to agree with the old nut, accidental courage to do what needed to be done is like the energy we muster up in sudden disasters though in normal situations we would not dare; Did not know we possessed.
5-7-03 In our daily contacts with other humans we tend to be more like a shop keeper trying to keep every customer happy; It can't be done. There will always be customers we cannot satisfy or make happy. Interpersonal relationships at their most valuable to our personal growth are and ought to be more than a bargain store's attempt at keeping a customer, yet acceptance of other's short comings and idiosyncrasies is a graceful compromise of the wise. NO ONE IS PERFECT! No relationship therefore is ever going to be the perfect one, lest we loose sight of our own idios!
5-8-03 Some folks nowadays refer to "old fashioned" type men like myself as dinosaurs. That is just fine by me, let everyone know that this old shaman is not interested in being politically correct, God is not my mother in heaven but my Father in heaven (wherever the hell this heaven is!), and I do not believe that we are all equals, not by a long shot. Mountains and flat lands are not equals, nor a man honest and virtuous, is equal to a charlatan. Is one educated and experienced equal to an uneducated ignorant? What is equality any way? In what ways can all be equal? Are we ever really equal?
5-9-03 All through the history it seems that the "white man" has called every other race they have come in contact with as "savages". This happened when the race came into the Americas and found the native Indians, the Blacks sure have had their share of being treated as such savages, and now it is the people of the Middle East. Sad when I see flags of patriotism in the face of the ignorant tyrants dressed in business suits, rampaging the world. All the while using "freedom &democracy" as reasons for the SAVAGE acts they unleash upon innocent people, all for a buck!!!
5-10-03 Vanity has a sneaky way of taking on the look of hygiene or grooming, but let's call a spade a spade friends, we are a vain bunch of creatures who seem to posses some measure of reason and intelligence! But when it takes so many billions of dollars and so much of our daily time to "groom" ourselves and tend to our hairdo, I say vanity is ignorance of what is truly important. We loose sight of inner beauty for the outer illusions!
5-11-03 Cherish the moments all you mothers on this your day of the year! You may never get a second chance to show how you care for THEM!!
5-12-03 Who takes out the trash? Why is it so hard for so many families (just couples or couples with kids, or roommates) to arrange a peaceful and civil way to designate tasks around the home? I am referring to things that need to get done just so life can go on in the house made of bricks and cloth! A leaky faucet will eventually lead to expense, an unsanitized home will lead to diseases, an unkept home all cluttered and messy will cause depression (the opposite of all this is of course true as well); Why then, why is it so hard to share the "chores" of keeping a home and not have a squabble about every other thing as to who did more when and how? Think about this children of Adam, for in this simple way you can achieve harmony.
5-13-03 We are a combine product of what we do every moment of every day, excellence therefore is not an act but a habit, says Aristotle. What is this excellence this great man refers to? Our daily thoughts and actions.
5-14-03 A simple act of meditation, contemplative quiet time reflecting upon the vast universe through which we have journeyed to this point, THE CAUSE OF IT ALL, and our proper place in its history, will make for a much better human of us all if we but knew the grandeur of simplicity!
5-15-03 Truely friends, Home is what we make of any sphere within which we spend our time in, with no masks on and no hat is needed. Make it so by caring for the travelers of time who share this abode with you by giving of your time and doing for the comforts made available therein.
5-16-03 In the Bible Job was perhaps God's way of saying "you could be the best of servants and still get the raw end of the deal in life, just because I want to test your devotion and faith!" Yes indeed children, it is not always clear to our pea size brains why good things happen to bad people and horrible things happen to seemingly inocent ones, FAITH then is the sum total of all the unquestionable trust we can muster as humans placed in our Father in heaven unseen by anyone, yet present in every molecule of life!
5-17-03 I am really trying to keep my usual positive and hopeful attitude towards our humanity and mankind in general, but recent events have brought the old anger back in me which is really frustration and anxiety about Politicians and the money mongers of the world about which I can take no real action of any significance. I see hunger and destitute in the masses of this U.S. of A, the richest country on earth, I see the very weak and the elderly, the homeless and the hard working class suffer while the political will of some nuts is running amuck! God help me to accept what I can change and that over which I have no control, and please God give me the wisdom to know the difference. It is nothing new, just different land, different time in the history of the ignorant man and the greed of the fools!
5-18-03 Perhaps memories are what keep the connectivity between birth and death, not time. At my age I have so much of them yet feel disconnected just the same. Sure I hear a song, see an object or picture, taste a food or sense an aroma and boom! I am back with that moment with which my brain has kept the related data, but myself, the SPIRIT, has never fully felt at home here on this planet. So I wait patiently for the end of this dream!! And all the while do my duties, fetch water and mend broken things, and write.
5-19-03 In all situations we find ourselves in life the best course of action has been proven beyond any doubt to be one of moderation and optimism. Never going too high on joyous occasions and not get too down in times of trouble. Despair is after all an extra burden and so is overconfidence.
5-20-03 The same is true then for all instances of emotional reactions, anger, envy, jealousy, hate, revengefulness, and the opposite of these as well. The fact is that one without the wisdom to find a happy middle ground and remain moderately under some sense of control will usually regret the actions taken in these occasions later. So BE COOL BABY!
5-21-03 I worked with a man who called himself a master chef. He did have all the diplomas and plaques and awards on his walls, then I came into his life and one of the very first things I said to him was "when you can make me the texture and aroma of a watermelon with a taste to match, then I will accept your master chef thing, until then there is only one master in all things for me" He never used that word in my presence again.
5-22-03 Speaking of masters; Who is your master? Verily my children I tell you that which dominates your thoughts and is the root of most all your actions is indeed you MASTER. What is it? can you identify your master?
5-23-03 One is the loneliest number, its the loneliest number you can ever be. We the people of the earth ought to realize how fragile our unity has become soon or else face total annihilation for the cause of competition.
5-24-03 Almost every time I work with a vegetable or fruit, I nearly start to cry with overwhelming awe! I am a chef and an herbalist, working with tastes and textures of foods and herbs has been a way of life with me for over 19 years, yet I, nor anyone else I know in my trade, has ever been able to make, put together, create, or even come close to God's wonder works. I have also gained knowledge of computers in the last three years, even got a degree, yet again, my love I do not see any program or peripheral carry a code like an electron does in any given molecule of God's creation!!
5-25-03 We plan the plans, dream the dreams, and hope for our wishes to come true. Now comes the rain on the parade day and time to accept what could not be, how do we deal with disappointments and plans gone sour? As we grow and mature we must learn to accept more and expect less and above all be prepared to change with the tides which are sure to come.
5-27-03 We cannot control the vessel of our destiny, but what it is filled with for the journey is our to provide. The old reap as you sow kind of thing.
5-28-03 When nearly everyone dear to you is on the opposite camp, when nothing seems to make any sense any more and insanity is dressed in "winning colors"; Tell me my child how would you find solace and balance?
5-29-03 On the pieces of papers which I carry around as "ID" today is listed as the day I was brought into this world. But I know and my aunt knows full well the date has been lost in translation from a lunar calendar to the solar calendar, and for all practical purposes I could be much younger or much older. In either case I shall never know my Zodiac sign!
5-30-03 I had a call from one of my daughters today. The call was about spending their vacation time to come down and see me. I listened to every thing she had to say; how it was such a hassle taking 2 year olds on long trips, the time not being enough and yes even the money. Underneath it all however, was the big true statement "Dad, it just is too much hassle coming to see you and I am not up to it, not for you, not this year.” Se la VI me amore! SE LA VI!! And you too will have this day with your own kids.
5-31-03 "Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." Albert Einstein (1879-1955); German-born U.S. theoretical physicist. So do consider change as a primary source of wisdom; Please!
6-01-03 It is so amazing that just thinking angry thoughts raises our blood pressure and heart beat! I have received an e-mail which speaks of "one nation under God" with a notion of delivering a message that here in the U.S. we are 84% God believing good citizens of the world! I am so torn inside with rage at the ignorance; Yet all I really want to do is logically talk to this person about my point of view which is so the opposite. Just the thought of so many ignorant people who in my opinion are the very cause of this President's wreaking havoc on the innocent folks of the world, leaves me incapable of rational discourse. Time is needed just to heal the effects of such thoughts. When David threw the stones at Goliath he was with God, are we?
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