Archives kept here are from 2003 onward.Some were migerated from another blog and if nothing else they help to show the progress of this old man's journey.

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Location: Verde Valley, Arizona, Arizona, United States

A good friend suggested that I should mention more about my background here. I High School= Abroad, Silver Star certified Instructor at Arthur Murray Dance Studios, Master Herbalist Degree from Dr. Herbert Santillo School of Natural Healing, Certified Sous Chef and honor student graduate from Yavapai College in northern Arizona. My way of life = My Religion = All messengers' ways in the Unified fields of Compassion = Quantum Movements of Matter and Energy. God , to me is neither vengeful and angry nor compassionate and loving, that's our stuff, God like Tao, cannot be named! I have no "heroes" to mention here. I do however follow Masters of time. Have no Flag, nor do I believe in any political system. I believe in the motions of Particles, The rhythm underlying the seemingly chaotic patterns of the universe. Universal sets of laws and order govern life; These laws have parameters which operate in Quantum Mechanics as it relates to the transference of matter and energy, therefor, I create my reality as you do yours. I like soft colors and enjoy the mountains, play the game of chess and cook and make potions for life. My wish is to see Humanity at Peace B4 I pass on!

Wednesday, January 01, 2003


1-2-03 I have spent a good deal of my life learning something about every thing, this jack of all trades has been misunderstood! We need more people interested enough in learning so as to be a good jack of all trades. The best masters of time had knowledge of many fields of interest.
1-3-03 To take offense is just as destructive to relationships as is giving offense! I am still

learning about how not to take offense at other's shortcomings and stupidity or their outright bigotries.

12-4-03 God; my good wise father, let me not forget how by making my life simple and trouble free you have indeed given me an invitation to come home and be! THANK YOU!!
1-5-03 We need to unlearn so much about our true identity and place in the universe, habitual being as we are, our time seems to be passed going from the performance of one habit to another as unconscious as a rock! Change one habit and watch the degree to which you become AWARE and AWAKENED!

1-6-03 we hear so much about "I ought to, I should be, I really need to"s that it has become as if all these things (which are usually good ideas) have either come to pass or it is too late to make them happen. Take these phrases out of your vocabulary and watch things HAPPEN! A good one for most of us is "I ought to watch less TV" well; just do it!

1-06-03 knowledge and wisdom are often mistaken as one and the same, quite the opposite is true in fact. knowledge without wisdom can be most destructive and dangerous, wisdom without knowledge less effective.

1-7-03 We are told by the good teachers of time to go and see the remains of the great empires throughout the world, the lesson hopefully is to see that conquerors became subjects of yet greater armies and though they had the rule for a while, they too were in turn conquered and their majestic castles no longer hold any majesty! There are no winners in this man's rubbles. All must turn to dust from whenst they came.

1-8-03 We have daily opportunities to see ourselves and our disposition towards others in 3D live action! Can we stop long enough not to let a small thing become a big issue? When we feel righteous and justified, can we hold off the yelling and verbal fight with yet another GRACIOUS ACT OF FORGIVENESS? today I could not, tomorrow is another day, yet again! Pleas be patient dear ones God is not finish with me yet goes both ways!!

1-9-03 I meet so many people in my practice of healing arts who seem to not agree with the old adage "an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure". Even after accepting the FACTS of how they got where they are in the state of their health! I guess it is just easier to be sick!!

1-10-03 Mysterious is the most beautiful thing we can know, as it unfolds and opens like a new flower, we receive the precious gifts of the universe!ahhhh.... God speaks so clearly for those who have ears to listen.

1-11-03 I was blessed today with contacts from my kids and relatives, God bless you all in every endeavor you undertake from the daily toils of caring for this world to caring for one another.

1-12-03 Mistakes we make become the treasure chest we later call "experience"; the real learning is not to repeat the same ones and expect different results.

1-13-03 In childhood we are ignorant, in adolescence we play, teenage years are spent in vague findings of self, our young self becomes busy with careers and family matters, God waits for us all the while to grow older and mature and find our way home, closer to age 40 and onward we ought not to forget God's place and his remembrance in our still busy lives, lest we get lost for good.

1-14-03 None of God's true prophets(messenger) ever said "come worship me!" in fact they all made sure to say "worship the one who has sent me". Worship is reserved for God all-one, to be shared with no other.

1-17-03 Well I seem to have lost a few days and have no idea where they are just now! but then I would not know what to do with them if I did find them. Besides, if I were to spent too much time today thinking of the past two days, yep you guessed it, I'd end up loosing today as well. HERE NOW BE!

1-18-03 It is now more and more an accepted fact that we are made up of energy matters. We function AS energy, in that we give off (transmit) electrons and create fields around us(as do all objects). For the sake of THE children and the world, it is imperative that we learn what is being emitted from our bodies and what energies we are receiving, because at the end of the day THIS IS HOW THE WORLD IS CREATED DAILY!

1-19-03 Watching an X-rated movie or show on my Television, I have already invited the energies of the warped minds who made the flick into my home. I may think of my self as a good person just the same, I have however, sold my goodness for a price far less than it is worth and, become part of the problem emanating the desire for such filth to continue.

1-20-03 Know this for certain my children; every thought, every action, every word of yours will either propel you forward into the harmony of it all or hinder your spirit from growth! you decide what energies you live with and die from at a paste faster than the blinking of your eye lids.

1-21-03 There is now more than overwhelmingly sufficient amount of evidence in (Genetic science) to trace every human's ancestor to specifically (the bush people) via central Asia to Europe and the Americas. A genetic DNA sequence called a mutation(of the genetic code c,a,g,t,) also referred to as a (marker) in our blood is the time machine taken through science to find specific humans carrying such mutations all over the globe(documented) and follow their migration through the remains along the journey. This gets better, but maybe more another time. Just imagine how ironic the issue of race becomes in the light of these scientific evidence leading to us all being brothers and sisters!

1-22-03 The Crows teach their young how to fly by example. Though it is by nature that Crows fly, the young still have to gather the courage to leap out of the security of the nest. Freedom of the spirit works much the same way

1-24-03 There are days when life seems like a long dreary year, and then there are days when life is only the moment. This man's view is that life is all about the moments and not the years.

1-25-03 There is great responsibility with choice. If choice is not made consciously then the law of chance enters and karma appears as an act of destiny. But for the awakened spirit, the choice is no choice at all. that is TAO!

1-26-03 The sun that so illumines the world, if it were to draw nearer it would consume the world. A word to the wise; be careful what you ask for, as the universe might jus give it to you exactly as you asked for it! QUANTUM has no cares

1-27-03 On the same line of thoughts as yesterday, I had always asked and prayed for the ability to be a "catalyst for change", to give as the trees give oxygen with no attachment. Well, I got my wish, most my contacts with other souls in my life have been about being the voice of reason for drastic changes in their lives, I have not however, learned to be a good tree yet!

1-28-03 They say "do unto others as you wish them do unto you" a Bat sought the friendship of an Eagle insisting they go hunting at night, the Eagle responded by saying "you are of the night and I am of the day, what makes you strong at night makes me weak, if you seek my friendship do unto me as I need not as you perceive"! a parable for the wise.

1-29-03 We talk of wishes and wants as harmless and a part of our rights. The facts of life reveal that it is through the non-fulfillment of these wishes and wants that we experience suffering. "I want my kids to be this or that" is a good start for long road of hurt and pain self inflicted through the wish! Is there an alternative? of course! non-attachment to the wishes and wants makes them preferences! Easier on the nerves.

1-30-03 "Lay not your treasures upon this earth where moth and dust doth corrupt and thieves can steal, rather lay your treasures in the life to come where dust nor the moth can corrupt or thieves can steal" so elegant, so unheeded by men.

1-31-03 "blocking" is a method of concentrated ad running on many stations and sources at once. Commercials geared to entice the public quickly and effectively into an action. This method is used frequently by the government (except they do not pay for it) by placing the point men (secretaries of this or that) on talk shows to promote the administrations agenda. This action alone was used and effectively persuaded both the houses to give President Bush the open end call to war after 9-11, many of the data used at the time have now been proven false or manufactured!(like the ""'s report that Saddam Hussein is six month away from having nuclear bomb capabilities.) u see the link? go there and check it out!

2-1-03 I just lost a brother to leukemia! found out just last night, two days before his 40th birthday. I cannot even cry because I feel good for him to have left this wretched world! I cry for me still here feeling pain and suffering! God is the Judge!