9-03-03 One of the hardest things for me to quit doing is making fun of someone's peculiar or weird ways or body parts (in jest of course). But, just the same even in jest we hurt others feelings as we ourselves think we are so clever or funny. Care my child not to offend a person by ridiculing what to them is a sensitive matter.
9-04-03 The four elements of life that the ancient cultures believed in and honored as sacred, turn out today to be scientifically true. We are and all that life has is made up of these four elements, AIR, WATER, EARTH, AND FIRE. Multiples of gases under the heat of the sun combine with elements from the Earth with water to create and sustain life. In a most synergistic way that if one element is missing or not of the best quality the resulting life matter too will not be whole or of good quality. So it stands to reason that the more we violate these elements and degrade their quality, our own life is indeed being degraded. We live within a living sphere and have not yet learned to respect the life it has.
9-05-03 Let's keep going with the thought we had yesterday, shall we? I think most any intelligent human would want to know how to obtain and maintain a better quality of life, fewer diseases or stresses and, a chance to grow old gracefully. If we collectively saw all the right moves to make and timely action to take in order not to create problems, I would not be writing these columns. So the answer truly lies first in the hands of the leaders of every society on the planet. They must be first and foremost educated enough or wise enough (ancient traditions) to see the obviousness of life emanating from the very matters in and around which we exist. There can be no good life for a human if the molecules from which he is making bones and muscles are corrupt and contaminated. The Bear take the Salmon they catch to the forest floor, leave the carcass which turns into Nitrogen which feeds the forests in which the bears and the trees live and breathe. Get It? The oceans just fertilized the forests while feeding the bears! How sad we have leaders who are more concerned about the greed in their minds than the life within their bodies. Mother Earth is truly now becoming a more scientifically correct term to use in place of Echo systems!
9-06-03 God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can, and WISDOM to know the difference. I pray this God, to keep from the negativities and the ignorance of the bigots all around me, so that I might still look upon them as humans! So that I may still accept my neighbors right to hang his large flag and show his ignorant patriotic colors without looking around to see how this flag now represents a government over which he has no control and who has abandoned the people at home and created animosity internationally by playing the big numero uno without any positive results either here at home or in foreign lands. God help us all!!
9-07-03 I try every day, I truly do try very hard to look at the good things and positive side of life, to find good in every situation and when I fail to do so I blame myself for not being at peace within. Because if the actions of another moves me to a negative reaction in any way at all, whether producing a negative thought, a negative action or words, then I have no more faith in the power of positive serenity within. Usually though, thanks to God my ever present master and guide, I end up learning about yet another joyous wonderful side of God's presence within the walls of my foolish mind.
9-08-03 What prayer, meditation, chanting, or any kind of mind focusing activity practiced regularly does in fact, is create an environment in which better decisions can be made and foolish hasty reactionary decisions will not. A focused mind in tune with the spirit in a healthy body WILL result in a more serene life style. A healthy echo system if you will, of mind, body and spirit. Now we can scientifically prove this but most still fall on deaf ears!
9-09-03 "God you granted me kingship, you taught me the interpretation of dreams, you are the initiator of the heavens and the Earth, you are my Lord and Master in this life and in the hereafter, grant me a believer's death and count me amongst the righteous". This was Joseph's prayer; I too beg you God to grant me a good death as you have done so with my life.
9-10-03 Every day; Life gives us another way of looking at who we are and why we do the things we do. The quest of any intelligent individual must then be to remain aware of, detached enough from the emotional and irrational thought processes, long enough to say the lesson being offered by the situation at hand. It may take one hour it may take a day or two, but remember my child; it is never totally the other party's fault that you are upset or "feeling" sad and blah blah blah blah, yakedi shmakadie blah! Yes people will do stupid things to upset you, yes there will be days when you just as soon go hide in the Siberian desert, but there is always, always a lesson to be learned about who you are and what you are doing here!
9-11-03 The end is nearer than most of us realize or care to think about. Even for this generation the idea of having maybe couple of two or three hundred years left is unfathomable. I recently had a clear vision of the Great Spirit coming to me and saying "I will be taking your life tomorrow, are you ready?" I about had a shit! excuse the French, but I mean the feeling was as real as it raining outside and by just putting my hands out I can get wet sort of thing. "Are you ready to detach tomorrow from all your stuff? Emotional stuff or material stuff or even your family and other stuff like that? All of which are stuff of life, if you were to be told tomorrow is THE Day for you to leave it all behind and say goodbye, just how many "unfinished" stuff would you have which you would take the attachment to with you to the other side? Where you could neither enjoy them nor resolve the problems related to. That is how close the END is my child, awaken!
9-12-03 Charity begins at home. If you have a family member or a relative, in need of assistance, a neighbor in need of financial help or a friend, then the money you have earmarked for charity, your tithe to a church, your time you wish to give in volunteer help, aught to first be considered for these people, then if any is left or if there are none of these folks in your life in need, can you give to your church. Let God guide you if you are truly giving to be effective where the help is really needed.
9-13-03 Time passes without a care this day too shall end with its joys and sorrows. But God bless the child who's got his own! Just babbling here about how we all seem so stuck in the events of each day as if it was the end to all ends, how do we get so overwhelmed that we forget just last month about this time; that other crisis which nearly devastated us, is GONE! And today's stuff is no different, in fact by comparison it aught to be easier to handle. Yes my child, this too shall come to pass into the abyss of MU!
9-14-03 I said it once before and I say it again, these lines will be my last legacy of a father's attempts to communicate with his children. As it stands now these lines are more for my own sake of sanity and memory than for the kids to read, because they are not taking the time to read their father's thoughts or know of his feelings. Yes we have come to the age where being a good child is just being out of the parents' ways (I don't ever remember asking for this) being on your own and therefore oblivious to the father's lack of presence. Oh children! you too will feel these things as I do now. But just in the rare case that you may be reading these lines, know this my child, it takes more than a phone call here and there to know your father.
9-15-03 If by any chance I have sounded as a Mr. "know it all" I want to humbly say for the record that the one thing I do know for certain is that I know nothing! What I have knowledge of is only enough for a semi quantum way of life in order to pass on the teachings I myself have received. Being a teacher by ancestral rights and through my own works, does require me to have some answers, but knowing is all together a different thing. And being or living the knowledge is itself the fruit. Just the same though, a good discourse on any subject requires studies, let me then pray God that you help keep this man on the path of gathering knowledge.
9-16-03 This thing about when God closes one door he opens another is perhaps one of the most basic wonders of calming the stressed mind that I have ever used in helping some young ones who looked at loosing a job for instance as so tragic an event that even suicide was considered in one particular case! The Idea again however, is to TRUST GOD with such strength where we enable the baffled mind to see the light at the end of the tunnel as it were, and not just the length of the darkness of the tunnel in front of us. And that kind of faith my child is only possible through daily prayer or any form of contact with our Father in Heaven who truly knows and cares! The birds never worry about their sustenance, why do we?
9-17-03 We all have things we want to accomplish; Goals we have set, tasks that need getting done, and relations that need mending. Through it all we grow and mature in the direction of our true intent. But it is the act of remaining consistent and persevering that will determine the degree of our growth. So, even though we say so much about what we want to do and be, unless we follow through with our intentions, honorable as they may be, without actions they become mere empty words, and no growth takes place.
9-18-03 So the big news is still the war and the cost to the U.S. taxpayer and lives of the young soldiers who not unlike the Vietnam era boys have no clue what the heck they are doing way out in the middle of the desert being killed by people they don't know and having their commander in chief tell them that they are bringing democracy to a savage people! IGNORANT FOOLS BEING LED BY SLEEPY HOLLOWS IN A POOL OF GREED!
9-19-03 If necessity was the mother is inventions; It is Greed, Arrogance, and heedless consumptions which put those necessary inventions to wrong use. And it is Ignorance which will be the downfall of all the good inventions. Genetically engineered crops (GEC's) are one very evident example. A fool is given a knife to cut the bread and he turns and cuts the leg off of the table, which falls on his own big foot, now he cannot go to the bakery!
9-20-03 Let me encourage you my child yet again, daily contact with THE CREATOR in solitude and meditative fashion, is the only sure way to gain serenity within and be able to better deal with the trials of the world. Prayer if you will is the way of the wise; as for the world, it has never been faithful to anyone or any thing. Learn then my child to be in the world but do not become a part of it. Lay your treasured attachments to the one after.
9-21-03 For every human soul there is an unseen parallel soul who's job is to entice the human soul to not do things which will get him closer to God, and to busy himself with affairs which will take him away from that task. You know the one I am talking about, it pokes at you all the time it seems while your angel side is saying "no no no, this is not good!" and who does your MIND usually follow? Then you wake up the next day and feel like crap saying to yourself, the devil made me do it! I wish I had not eaten so much, or drank all that booze, or did that awful act. These little demons have their jobs to do and they do it well, to seduce and turn humans away from God and any sense of duty to Him. I will always remember to see it as it is and not blame my feeble mind for going astray, but rather pick up and keep my focus on God again, in the end with God I will always win the battles with my demons. And they come around less and less as I grow stronger in God.
9-22-03 Let us keep going with the thoughts of yesterday ok? Most of us think that we have to perform prayer for God's sake, as if to say that he needs or demands it for himself. It is not until recent years in our world that with new sciences we can appreciate the value of any mind calming/centering activity on a regular basis. And the dude! This God of Abraham and Moses and Jesus, has been saying to us since day one, "look kids, whatever good you do, you do for yourself, and whatever you do against my counsel you do to your own detriment" Now how much clearer can you get! Meditation and prayer bring the brain to Alpha wave producing level which for us geeks in the sciences means a relaxed mind and a mind more productive and able to make better judgments. Amen!
9-23-03 "In God we trust" is a good motto to live by, but when our government is in bed with the corporate greed, our daughters wear clothing we used to associate with prostitution, churches allow sodomy, and our kids are told they cannot pray in school, I believe it is time we remove that statement and quit living a farce and dishonoring God!
9-24-03 There was a time when the West and the East were not so far apart in basic human dignity and acceptance of a mutual set of values for decency. Then it all went to hell and both the West and the East lost their humanity in a sea of technology. Result? well the jury is still out on this one! God help us all remember who we were once as a family of Man.
9-25-03 It is in the nature of the plants to begin their cold weather activities and stop growth by the end of summer. It is in the nature of an scorpion to sting a moving object next to him or touching his body, It is in the nature of the sea to rise up and bring hurricanes ashore, It is in the nature of rivers to flow and overflow when there is excess water. It is incumbent upon humans to learn, to understand how best to live with the nature of things, as many thousands of years have proven. So it is foolish to build in the path of the hurricanes and floods!
9-26-03 It is difficult for sure to stay optimistic about anything when your partner in life, or your neighborhood, or your government, or family member is of a negatively charged state of being. Indeed it is at times impossible when one is surrounded by negatively charged energies, but just the same a true believer in the power of God to heal, will not surcome. The old saying goes "you can't keep a good man down long". Yes sir, you cannot keep a believing human down long.
9-28-03 If we just stopped making such mountains out of the mole heals of our daily mostly average lives, we we have eliminated at least half the stress on our minds and bodies.
9-29-03 We do whatever it is we do to pass our time and for some the task must be expanded to fill the time span, for others the time needs to be expanded just to make the tasks fit the slot. If you find yourself amongst the first group, you are either done living or have no life. You want something done and done right; give it to a busy man. If your workers are standing around looking for things to do, you have too many!
9-30-03 Now we get ready for Halloween! Amazingly enough this is an annual tradition in the East as well as the Western world. It was initially a harvest festival in villages as was the thanksgiving which was giving thanks for the year of farming goods. If I have anything to say about most of our traditions it would be that we take them far too seriously! that's all.